
Works in progress

Types of Justice

Prioritarianism and Humanitarianism

“Parental Refusal of Medical Treatment”

With Jamie Sewell, “Gender and ID”

With Catherine Klausen and David DeVidi, “Citizenship, Ability, and Contribution”

With Udo Schüklenk, an introduction to global health ethics

Selected Publications

Note: Where possible, I have provided open access links to the published version. In other cases, there is a link to an unofficial non-formatted version of the work, which may have slight differences from the published version.

Book Chapters

Sen’s Capability Critique.” In John Rawls: Debating the Major Questions, edited by Sarah Roberts-Cady and Jon Mandle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Universalism, Vulnerability, and Egalitarianism.” In From Disability Theory to Practice: Essays in Honor of Jerome Bickenbach, edited by Christopher A. Riddle, 5-24. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018.

Christopher Lowry and Udo Schüklenk. “Global Health Responsibilities.” In A Companion to Bioethics, 2nd ed., edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, 393-403. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Journal Articles

Medina and Mill on Epistemic Interaction.” In Food, edited by Jeff Gauthier, Social Philosophy Today, Volume 30, 177-185. Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2014. DOI: 10.5840/socphiltoday201462311

Commentary on Ben Berger’s Attention Deficit Democracy.” In Civic Virtues, Divided Societies, and Democratic Dilemmas, edited by Jeff Gauthier, Social Philosophy Today, Volume 29, 159-168. Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2013. DOI: 10.5840/socphiltoday201329115

Perfectionism for Neutralists.” Journal of Social Philosophy 42/4 (2011): 382-402. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9833.2011.01540.x

Beyond Equality of What: Sen and Neutrality.” Les Ateliers de l’Éthique / The Ethics Forum 4/2 (2009): 226-235.

Christopher Lowry and Udo Schüklenk. “Two Models in Global Health Ethics.” Public Health Ethics 2/3 (2009): 235-243. DOI: 10.1093/phe/php032

Udo Schüklenk and Christopher Lowry. “Terminal Illness and Access to Phase 1 Experimental Agents, Surgeries and Devices: Reviewing the Ethical Arguments.” British Medical Bulletin 89/1 (2009): 7-22. DOI:10.1093/bmb/ldn048

Other Publications

Right Answer, Wrong Question: Special Access, Knowledge Generation, and Clinical Trial Legitimacy.” American Journal of Bioethics 14/11 (2014): 22-24. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2014.957623

Global Health and Global Health Ethics.” Philosophical Papers 43/2 (2014): 311-315. DOI: 10.1080/05568641.2014.932954

Sen, Justice, Why and Peace.” Indigo Magazine (South Korea), vol. 4 (Winter 2011): 55-67.